Sad Ending
6 March 2015
I won't go into detail about how bad the finale was, since most of the above reviewers covered that pretty well. Bottom line: very nice to see some of the old faces, but the show itself managed to be almost completely devoid of any laughs.

Most of the "humor" seemed to come from either taking shots at the show itself, i.e., that it had gone on too long, or by taking shots at Charlie Sheen - not the Charlie Harper character, but personal shots at Sheen himself. Which all felt pretty weird, since it was like continued slaps in the face of the fans who obviously didn't think the show had gone on too long (or they wouldn't have still been watching) and most of whom who had developed some genuine affection for Charlie Sheen/Charlie Harper. So when the show was over you were left with this kind of empty, kind of sad, feeling. Which sure was a strange way for a long-running sitcom to go out. I'm going to have a little trouble watching the syndicated reruns for a while.

I was also real disappointed seeing Jon Cryer join in the ridicule of Sheen - particularly the jab at Anger Management. Just felt like a stab in the back somehow and beneath the usually classy Cryer.

I never would have guessed the depth of Chuck Lorre's anger/bitterness toward Sheen. I mean it's been over three years now - get over it. I guess it's Lorre who could use some anger management. To some degree I don't blame Lorre, since I hardly knew who he was before the Sheen feud, but now I'll forever think of him as this petty, unpleasant guy with a very brittle ego. Still, after all this time he should have put it aside and behaved in a professional manner. Didn't he have some friends who could have warned him how poorly this was going to reflect on his image? I'm guessing he's going to regret this show for the rest of his life. "Winning"? A lot closer to "losing".

Just a sad ending all around.
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