Bewitched (2005)
One of the BEST films ever made! Deserves higher rating than 10!
8 March 2015
What makes this movie so wonderful and exceptional is that it is not a typical attempt at a remake of a classic hit TV series - in this film, the characters are actors making a "Bewitched" remake! Very clever! Will Farrell plays Jack, an egotistical actor, desperate to have a hit after his latest movies flopped. (Nora and Dela Ephron deserve a ton of credit for this creative storyline - it's the most clever remake of a hit TV show ever!) Shirley MacLaine is hilarious as Endora! Nicole Kidman is wonderful, believably naive and sweet, suddenly thrown into the harsh reality of Hollywood. Steve Carrell as Uncle Arthur is utterly hilarious and one of the greatest highlights of this excellent movie! Carole Shelley as Aunt Clara is a delight! Kristen Chenowith is awesomely funny (and adorable)! Heather Burns is fantastic! Nicole, Kristen, and Heather have a great chemistry as friends and their scenes together are so enjoyable. We love every second of this film! We have seen it about 15 times and always find it fresh, clever, charming, and oh-so-funny! This will always be our favorite Will Ferrell movie and our favorite Nicole Kidman movie. The scene where Isabelle (Nicole) and Jack (Will) are dancing during Steve Lawrence's smooth rendition of the hit song, "Bewitched," is wonderfully romantic and fun. This film should receive more than 10 stars!! P.S. If you are a die-hard classic TV Bewitched fan, watch it with an open mind: Will Farrell is not Darren - he is Jack, an actor hired to play Darren in a "retooled" remake of "Bewitched". Nicole Kidman is Isabelle, a new actress hired to play Samantha. This film pays perfect homage and respect to the original classic TV show. Everyone should be able to enjoy and appreciate this ultra-clever, very funny, very quote-able, often hilarious, endlessly creative, absolutely amazing, surprisingly sincere and romantic, sweet film. (Wish Hollywood could make more funny, sweet, sincere, romantic movies like this!)
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