Somewhat bland but likable enough
13 March 2015
A genial parish priest in a tough part of town inadvertently comes into possession of a car that has been used in a robbery and the loot is hidden in the car. The robbers find out the priest has it and scheme to get the car and the money back. Although this is a pretty lightweight production, it's likable enough and has a good cast--Don Beddoe, Paul Bryar, Addison Richards, Stanley Clements, Ellen Corby--that does a good job and works well together, and director Jean Yarbrough, who's more at home with knockabout comedies and horror films, keeps things moving smoothly. Everything, of course, works out in the end, just like you knew it would, but it's an interesting little morality tale that, unlike many of its type, doesn't sledgehammer you with its preaching. Worth a watch.
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