The Returned (2015)
TV Snobs Stay Away
24 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
It cracks me up to see all the TV snobs knocking this show because it isn't as good as the original French show. Well that is a matter of opinion and I found The Returned to be quite entertaining contrary to most of the reviews on here. Is it atmospheric and creepy like the French version? Not really but in the United States people watch TV differently and foreign shows sometimes have to be changed up a bit to gel with American audiences and in this case I feel they did a solid job. I watched the French version and found it boring at times but I still enjoyed it. I've noticed that in some of the other reviews the writers are reaching for reasons to not like it. One reviewer went as far as to complain that the two actresses playing the twin sisters didn't look enough alike where as I felt the casting was done well. They are supposed to be four years apart in age and during that stage of a girls life many changes in physical appearance occur. If you're here to read reviews on this show please go past the negative ones written by people who never gave the show a shot because it is a re- pop and give The Returned a chance.
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