The Execution (1985 TV Movie)
A great collection of character actresses in this important movie
29 March 2015
I think that some of the reviews are fair but also harsh in that one has to keep in mind that this is an old TV made movie wherein back in the mid 80's on TV no less they were limited to how much they could do and show with families watching and it felt like it was more of a movie for/about Women as if made for the Lifetime channel.

Youtube has two old TV ad Trailers for this movie showing all the actresses

I saw this movie as a teenager, mainly for Valerie Harper, I loved everything she did :) and I love character actresses, so this was a feast of talent for me to appreciate. Granted the story was a bit weak and the accents? not so good but I most certainly did get caught up in the emotional pain and suffering that they were reliving from their past and how it was wrecking their lives as adults, but as Women do, they drew strength and support from each other.

I think it also has historical value esp. if one's past relatives were survivors of the camps because the Nazi experiments on young Women, Jewish, Gypsy and on twins is not as well known still to a lot of people.

So if you are a TV fan of character actresses and or a Jewish person then I think that you will appreciate this TV made movie for what it is but don't judge it by today's standards.

OT actor Leonard Nimoy and Blythe Danner had also acted in a post Holocaust survivor TV made movie that was very good as well.
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