Review of Forget

The Walking Dead: Forget (2015)
Season 5, Episode 13
Becoming Human Again!
3 April 2015
This is the thirteenth episode of the fifth season of the Walking Dead. It is an episode that does not feature much action, but it does not stop it from being an intriguing episode. The episode's main theme is the process of dehumanization as our heroes try to fit themselves back into society and have a hard time with it. My favorite character in this episode is Carol because of her actions regarding some cookies.

In this episode, "Forget," our heroes are struggling to become a part of society again, no more than Sasha who is deeply affected. Rick, Carol, and Daryl create a scheme to steal their weapons. Daryl begins to forge a friendship with Aaron.

Overall, I thought this was a touching episode despite any imminent threats. After spending countless time in the wild, it will take time and effort to become human again and this is what this episode is about. I liked all the story lines, but of course something is bound to happen in the near future.

My Grade: A-
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