Review of Tony

Tony (I) (2009)
Has a great central performance, but suffers in comparison to similarly-themed films
8 April 2015
TONY is yet another film in a genre that has been done many times before and, in my opinion, doesn't really offer anything new. The central character, Tony, is a socially awkward loner who is obsessed with action films. He also has a weird physical appearance. Those traits are essentially what make his character, and he's really the only character in the film. Everyone else just exists in his world. What I did like about the film were the few moments in which Peter Ferdinando, who gives an excellent performance, hints at something deeper in Tony's psyche. One scene in front of a mirror was particularly chilling, in much the same way as similar scenes in NIGHTCRAWLER and FOXCATCHER. I also liked the haunting, minimalistic score which adequately conveyed Tony's loneliness, and reminded me somewhat of Philip Glass (whose music I love). Beyond that, it seemed like a typical serial killer film done on a low budget. The cinematography, while digital, was still done well and the camera-work was pretty good too. My major issue with the film is how thinly written it is, such that its 72 minute running time almost feels too long. I guess I just wanted a little more substance. It probably would have worked better as a short film now that I think about it. For what it's worth, the film isn't bad it's just not particularly great either. Peter Ferdinando's creepy performance is probably the best reason for seeing this.
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