The Simpsons: Waiting for Duffman (2015)
Season 26, Episode 17
Homer becomes the new Duffman, Simple Fun,
25 April 2015
Waiting for Duffman is a great Simpsons episode with a well written storyline and plenty of very funny scenes. I liked seeing Homer take over Duffman's job, it adds to his ridiculous resume that ranges from astronaut to bodyguard, and this was a very fun one that I'm surprised the show hadn't thought about previously. It's certainly not the greatest moment of the twenty sixth season, it had some weak moments and I didn't particularly like the part of him being shocked whenever he drank alcohol and the twist about it at the end, it was a poor part of the episode. However, it was nice to see Homer have a different view of alcohol for once, though it may have only been for a few minutes, watching Homer understand the dangers that beer can cause brought me some newfound sympathy for him, he is my favourite fictional character of all time and it's moments like those that just make me love him more. Waiting for Duffman is a very enjoyable Simpsons episode.

Homer must give up alcohol after winning a nationwide reality contest to become the next Duffman.
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