Disappointing and quite dull but still enjoyable
28 April 2015
After capturing a notorious serial killer, a detective and the workers at a psychiatric facility try to deal with the murderous inmates housed there when a power outage frees the criminals held inside and begin threatening the group inside.

This one turned out to be quite a fun slasher once it got going. There's a couple of rather big flaws here in the first half of the film, which is mainly based around the fact that the two conflicting subplots are barely worthwhile because there's little to make us care. It's almost impossible to care about the capture of a killer or the workings of an insane asylum when there's nothing to get us into those elements. The inmates are crazy and psychotic, while little of the investigation takes any kind of importance since there's little about it revealed that's relevant about the case or the killer revealed later. It's all dropped away in the second half here anyway with the rampage of the different lunatics, some of whom are just lame overall or clash oddly with the serious tone as they go about indulging in a matter of goofy set-pieces. This is mostly resolved by the film's middle segment where it really gets going by engaging in a series of suspenseful stalking and ambush scenes inside the creepy sanitarium as it utilizes the surroundings to its' fullest potential, has some pretty decent kills and generates a fair bit of prowess with its animal costume so there's some good to be had as well. The last positive here is a rather nice twist at the end to make all the loose threads tie up nicely and helps this one turn out pretty nice overall.

Rated R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language.
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