Futurama: The Cryonic Woman (2000)
Season 3, Episode 3
The One With Fry's Frozen Girlfriend...
1 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I really love this episode. It's funny and I love seeing someone else from Fry's era.

In this episode, Fry is reunited with his old girlfriend from the 20th Century, who was frozen just like he was. Unfortunately, she doesn't adapt to the 31st Century as well as Fry did. She's scared and confused. Who wouldn't be? Well, expect for Fry, that is. Since she doesn't like this time, she convinces Fry to put her back into the cryogenic chamber and to come with him. Yeah, because if the 31st Century was too much for her to handle, the 40th Century or the 90th Century will be a lot easier to get used to. They awaken in a barren wasteland and have to survive in the new cruel world to make a place for themselves. But at the end, a big twist happens that no one would see coming.

Overall, I give this episode a 10 out of 10, which in my ratings book is: Freaking Ridonkulous.
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