5 May 2015
THE BROTHERHOOD III: YOUNG DEMONS reaches a new low in cinema. The first two movies in this franchise were bad enough, but YOUNG DEMONS breaks with tradition and the type of storyline offered up in those flicks for something new and much, much, worse.

David DeCoteau heads off with his camera north of the border to shoot a clunky Canadian piece of trash. The very loose storyline involves a bunch of roleplayers who decide to break into their high school one night to play a new type of game. Unfortunately for them, they use a real-life book of the occult to summon up some very real demons who proceed to wreak havoc among them.

There's virtually no story or dialogue in this film, just a constant stream of bad acting and worse direction. The entire soundtrack of the film consists of a single, thumping heartbeat, which as you can imagine gets tiring before a minute has passed. DeCoteau pads his film out with a lengthy S&M sex scene and an interlude in which a buff young dude - what else? - strips down to his underwear and takes a much-needed shower, and such moments are as cheesy and horrendous as they sound. There are no redeeming values in this film whatsoever, making it one of the worst I've ever witnessed.
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