Review of If Only

If Only (2004)
5 May 2015
It is a nice movie. From the ratings and some reviews here, I thought it was much better and expected something ...more ... Well, more never came, but it is not really something that actually makes the movie worse. Actually I don't know what I expected... The story is interesting. Two 'points of views' of the event is nice 'catch' . I can see the moral of the film: enjoy life, tell people who you love that you love them and similar... It is nice all that. Jennifer was really great! I could really feel like she meant all the words. She was also too sweet. In a good way. Not too cheesy. The main male role is also good. They were good together. So, I guess that makes the movie good too, but not excellent.

Though I liked the words of two songs she sings, I think that the movie could have passed without them. Somehow, they ruined the film a bit for me... If she did not sing them, but if they were as a background to some scene, it would have been better...But that's just my opinion.

Seven from me.
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