Predestination (I) (2014)
Best example of how not to make a time travel movie.
6 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I believe the spoilers in this review are not so much about telling you specifics about the story but more about how really bad this film is. Being a die-hard Science Fiction fan, it was very painful to watch this movie. If you want action or thrills or special effects, then watch a Bugs Bunny cartoon, because none of that is in this movie. It is very slow. I'm talking snail slow. And it was very stupid. My wife and I actually could see a lot of what was coming next even though it made little sense. In other words, a somewhat predictable movie because it was so bad, bad, bad. I have yet to see anyone handle time travel very well. The few that do not do a real bad job of it, are ones that make the people and the story and the scenes and all else that goes into a movie, the main focus of the film and time travel is just a little thing in the background. I do not know how it got such a high ratting. That seems almost impossible to me. But then again, I do not understand how millions of humans are murdered in the this country and it is legal. They just call it abortion - and this movie was an abortion. I gave it a 2 because I don't want the person who wrote this story to give up trying. I have always believed that if someone has the ability of writing something this bad, they also have the ability to write something really good - just stay away from time travel. This story defies all logic. I would imagine that for those scientists that do believe time travel is possible in one form or another, this movie would even confuse the crap out of them. I have actually taken time to analyze this movie to see if there is any way to make any sense of it all. I have failed. Just about as bad as the movie failed. It is possible that a lot of the people that gave this movie a high rating did so not based on the movie itself, but more on who stared in it or who directed it, or maybe just liked the violin case. There were so many illogical things in this movie that it boggles the mind how anyone would expect a normal person to even remotely believe what is going on. If you really sit down and take it piece by piece, so much of it makes so little sense it simply fails on every level. I think maybe the writers of such have given up thinking and are more into how do we do something different, regardless if it makes any sense or not. Sort of like if we confuse the audience to a great extent, they will be too confused to realize how bad we did. Here is some detail to justify my feelings. SPECIAL EFFECTS - These were very minimal and on that 10 scale were a 1. Probably a few hundred dollars were spent on them. SCENERY - I am not sure but it looked like that went and looked for the least imaginative and trashy looking places. Not exciting. CHARACTERS - There was only one interesting character which started out as a 10 but by the time we get about halfway into the film, had become a 1. STORY LINE - It started out as a 10 as well, but as you got closer to the end, it dropped down to a 1 as well. TIME PERIOD - This was almost mind boggling. I half expected to see dinosaurs in superman costumes. If I evaluated their time frames, right now we should be on thousands of worlds all over the universe. DETAILS - Details are important in a story. Not so much in how accurate they are but more how well they are shown and explained. Often, watching this movie I would get the feeling that a line was unfinished. Like telling someone "Please hand me the" - there just is not enough information in those 4 words to tell you much of anything that you want to know. COMPONENTS FITTING TOGETHER - Too often, things that were going on did not seem to fit together. BOTTOM LINE - Since the show is called Predestination, it seems to indicate that the show represent 2 things. That you can not change destiny and that everything is a time loop that just goes on and on for eternity. I do not believe in predestination myself. I do not believe that from the beginning of time, I was predestined to write this review. I will say one more time - if you want to know how to not make a time travel movie, then watch this movie by all means. I can tell you one thing - if they make a number 2, I don't believe it is predestination - I just believe it is stupid.
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