12 May 2015
I saw the adverts for the Enfield haunting and was so excited and I have not been disappointed I think the Enfield Haunting is a great believable representation of the events that actually occurred. It's scary but it's not with the usual stupid scares it's eerie it makes you think about it after you've watched it really does imprint on your opinion of the paranormal. Timothy Spall's acting as usual is brilliant and so very believable. I also think the little girl who plays Janet will go very far her she is also very talented in acting by her portrayal in the Enfield Haunting. The Enfield haunting is just great really, great actors, great representation great everything! It's so fascinating that the events actually happened it's made me want to read more into the events of the Enfield Haunting. The only negative I will have to mention is that Sky Living most definitely take the shine of it with the amount of adverts they ram Into the programme you get to see around 5 minutes of the programme and then an advert. Seeing as there's only three episodes you think they would have the Curtisy not to do this. the Enfield haunting probably could have managed to be a short film rather then the three episodes. However it is most definitely worth the watch.
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