Wow a big budget movie that's not made by Marvel!
15 May 2015
For the first time in a very long while we have a film released that is:

Original Not part of a franchise Not made by Disney, Marvel or Pixar Not featuring a well known superhero Something different

It seems that movie execs now seem to think that any movie that is not part of a major franchise with unrecognisable characters is doomed to failure. Well to be honest they are now probably right. Movie goers flock in their hoardes to see the latest Iron Man or Avengers incarnation and will without doubt see the latest 3D Disney flick. However the second you put something they don't recognise on the billing they seem to be confused and scared by it. It is OK to try new things! If we never give movies like Jupiter Ascending a go are we to be watching Iron Man 25 in 10 years time? Will there still even be any other film franchises apart from the recognisable superheroes? Why must we insist on watching films we practically know the ending to?

Jupiter Ascending is a great Sci-Fi action flick. The story is good and the acting is fantastic from the films several big stars. It is not without its flaws though. It tends to borrow from other movies; Harry Potter, the hunger games and even Star Wars to name a few. The pacing is also a little off as there are more than a few scenes that I thought could have been cut altogether. Overall though I thoroughly enjoyed this film in the same way I would any other action movie. It definitely deserved to do better than it did at the box office. I just think people weren't willing to give it a chance. This may be sad for the U.S. Film industry as studios will no longer be willing to take the chance on something new and original and keep churning out products from the Marvel machine. All great characters had to start somewhere even Indiana Jones!
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