Star Trek: Voyager: Time and Again (1995)
Season 1, Episode 3
When a planet blows up, don't visit it the day before
16 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I hear a lot of complaints about time stories. I'm tired of seeing them actually, cos lots of shows have dealt with aspects of time. Quantum Leap, Time Trax, Time Tunnel, Voyagers. But Trek is the proper place to have stores about time.

But this episode is more or less about an aspect of Kes' abilities. To tell us about it, there has to be a story "that never happened". This is probably the first Voyager episode where the whole crew is acting like a crew.

As far as the conundrum used, it surprised me. This is also one of the first Voyager Planet Based Eps, and Tom Paris and Janeway get caught up in a planet's politics.

Some new energy source was created by Andre Bormanis, with brand new backward-flowing Time Radiation. So that's how this story is told. How to get the Principles into the Past? We've seen all kinds of gimmicks in Trek, a malfunctioning Romulan Cloaking Device, a Neutron Star, a Regular Star, a bad Injector on a Runabout Nacelle, and even a good Ole Bajoran "Orb of Time" But here, we basically have holes in the continuum, which Paris gets sucked into. The thing we get shown is that Tom Paris, faulty as he is, is good with Children, even one he scares the Bejesus out of by "appearing out of nowhere"- And he is not above risking himself to save someone. And we get reminded that Janeway is a scientist. Picard was the Diplomat, Kirk used Fisticuffs, The Sisko had The Prophets. Here, we have Janeway's scientific Method, and probably the best 1st Season example of it in action.

The question is, how to get what Janeway figures out 24 hours into the Future? If it can't be done, it's "Future's End" once again.

This was my favorite 1st Season Voyager Offering. It is a cyclic episode, exploring Time's circular Arrow. As O'Brien would say: "I Hate Temporal Mechanics!" Here, we have Kes in the Future working with Janeway in the past to find the solution, and the payoff is, they do not have to get vaporized, and Voyager gets to continue on hiding from the Kazon Nistrum and Oogla and Viidians until season 3 or so.
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