The Ceremony (1963)
Nothing is going to stop the ceremony
14 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** After a string of hits actor Laurence Harvey tries his hand in directing in the film "The Cermony" with himself as it star the waiting to be executed bank robber Sean McKenna. In fact McKenna was the one who tried to prevent the murder of the bank guard that he's now to play with his life for with the actual killer getting away, due to sloppy police work, Scot-free! Now faced with being shot at sunrise it's McKenna's kid brother Dominic, Robert Walker Jr, who's planning to spring him by impersonating the priest who to give him his last rites!

At first the prison jail break takes the prison administration by complete surprise and is successful with a shocked, in seeing Dominic as a priest, McKenna making it out before the police knew what happened! But what shocked McKenna even more is the fact that his brother Dominic was also planning to check out of the country not with half of the money from the bank robbery but his girlfriend Catherine, Sarah Miles, as well! This leads to a violent fist fight between the brothers as the police start to close in on them. With Dominic making a run or drive for it his car crashes into a tree and explodes leaving him, or his face, unrecognizable.

***SPOILERS*** Half baked final with Dominic due to his disfigurement mistaken for his brother Sean McKenna who's to be executed by a firing squad for Sean's crime. You expected a lot better then what you got with the movies bazaar mistaken identity ending which made no sense at all! With the person who was to be executed walking out of the prison without any of the guards as much as laying a hand on him. It was as if by them, those in charge of McKenna's, in screwing things up the first time around just called it quits and decided to let McKenna off in order to clear their guilty consciences!
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