Review of Texas Rising

Texas Rising (2015)
Brendan Fraser steals the show
27 May 2015
I have always been a big fan of the Westerns and have watched many in my lifetime, but this, by far, has been the greatest triumph in the Western genre I've seen on these 47 years on Earth. The Plot, the Setting, the Score and of course the Cast, spearheaded by the beautiful, rambunctious, Brendan Fraser. His performance as Billy Anderson is one that is very hard to describe but believe me when I say this; it brought a tear to my eye. The emotional depth of his character spoke to me on some sort of ethereal level - a feeling that reminds me of the moment when a woman rips out your heart and spurns you. It is a feel that really sticks with you, y'know? If I had to equate Brendan's role to any other great performances throughout TV and Movie history I would have to compare his performance mainly to Peter O'Tooles great rendition of Lawrence of Arabia (it really stuck with me) and Aidan Gillens infamous, spectacular, portrayal of CIA in the The Dark Knight Rises.

All in all it has been a great watch so far and I can't wait to see what the Big Guy Brendan can pull off in the other episodes and in the future of his now revitalized career.
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