Texas Rising (2015)
Historical accuracy isn't a forethought
27 May 2015
Texas Rising is one of those cheesy dramadies that you watch for the action. Watching this show for even less than 15 minutes should tell you that historical accuracy is not what they're going for. You watch it for the blood, tension, cowboy quips, and gunfights in what most equate to the battles of Texas. The acting by the cast, while decent, is marred by overdramatic and choppy writing/scene placement. The desolate settings they've chosen to represent as Texas can also take away from your enjoyability, though if you're not familiar with how Texas looks then this might not be an issue.

If you can believe it, with so many things working against Texas Rising, there is one arguable saving grace keeping it good. Of its cast, Brendan Fraser in particular gives a fantastic performance as a Western Texas ranger raised by Native Americans. Truth be told, with the cheesiness and oftentimes questionable writing of the show, it is very unlikely I would be watching without Fraser's powerhouse performance keeping me entertained.
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