King Cobra (1999 Video)
Incredibly fun snake movie
5 June 2015
After a series of snake attacks, small town doctors find that the snake is an escaped test subject which has the genetics of a cobra and a rattlesnake forcing them to find and destroy the deadly creature before it goes through the town's populace.

This was a lot better than expected. One of its best features is the fact that the film moves along at a fast pace, never hitting a lull or a dull spot and there's plenty of stuff going on here to keep it interesting. It starts off nicely as the opening action in the lab with the loosened snake is great as it stalks the others through the flaming ruins, the building suspense of the experiment going out-of-control and the chaos and panic works really well while other action scenes are just as good. There's a lot to really enjoy about the attack in the home, which is wonderfully suspenseful and really interesting from the snake POV used to sneak up on the victim to its rather impressive revelation, where the snake appears as a silhouette against the just-turned-off TV screen, the realization dawns and the attack begins. The fact that the snake's POV is used often is another good one for the film, since it's an actually fun technique that manages to get some really tense moments when it's stalking it's victims, and as there's a lot of really good stalking scenes throughout this allows for a couple of nice scenes. The final encounter in the woods is all-out fun with logical methods of dealing with the creature, a lot of really nice strikes and the really clever manner of catching the creature is one of the best parts of the film. The cobra look is also really good, as there's prosthetics used in place of CGI, the addition of the menacing and unique hood is another nice touch and gives it a really impressive look that gives off the appearance that it's actually there for its positive points that hold this one up enough against the flaws. The most obvious one is the rating, as the fact that this one is a PG-13 film does stand out in here. The kills are either so quick as to be hardly imaginable or simply bloodless as they're really just bites and have no real jolt to them. Some diversity in the kills as well would've helped this one immensely as a difference in the amount of bloodshed would've gone a long way with this one. The other flaw in this one is that there's an extreme over- reliance on lame jump gags, as stuff like the friendly-POV that scares an innocent victim, the screeching cat and the off-screen crashing noises are all used frequently and too ill-effect, making for some aggravating viewing at times. Otherwise, there's a lot to really like about this one.

Rated PG-13: Violence and Language.
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