Poltergeist (2015)
Just a terrible, terrible, TERRIBLE film.
24 June 2015
I never expected much from it being a remake/reboot but I never expected it to be so bad. The script, the acting, the whole bag of mashings was just terrible from the get go.

There is no comparison to the original which, to this day, is still a creepy film to watch even though I've seen it 100's of times in my life. This new one has none of the mystery, drama or suspense of the original. They move in and it all immediately kicks off and no one really batters an eyelid to any of it. They do some of the stuff from the original film and then it ends. Seriously, that's the film in a nutshell.

I personally think Sam Rockwell is a fantastic actor but he needs to seriously question what the hell he thought he was doing here. His acting is atrocious. Kyle Catlett was the only person in the entire film to put a bit of effort in to it and he could've passed for Pinocchio. I can't believe for one minute that, when editing this film, the director didn't think to himself, hang on a minute, this film is trash. If he didn't, he needs words with himself as well.

It was just a terrible, terrible, TERRIBLE film. On par with Stallone's Get Carter remake. Awful. I hope to god they don't make a sequel. Let this festering turd of a movie disappear into oblivion and let the original live on.

1/10 - I'd give it a zero but that's not an option.
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