Review of Dream Girl

Dream Girl (1948)
Dream Girl is one of the more unusual of the Betty Hutton movies
28 July 2015
This was an interesting Betty Hutton vehicle since she's not her usual boisterous self here. In fact, while she does a lot of talking, she also does a lot of dreaming as shown in some sequences which have a different tone than the more reality-based ones. While there are some funny lines, I don't find myself guffawing like I usually do when watching other Hutton movies. This plays more like those weepies starring Bette Davis or some of the other popular female drama stars of the time doing movies. Ms. Hutton does a number as a drunk nightclub performer in one dream sequence and possibly lip-syncs as an opera diva in another. In summary, Dream Girl is one of the more fascinating of the Betty Hutton movies.
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