Manny Lewis (2015)
No Spoiler Here - I Promise
31 July 2015
I think we Americans, have become too jaded, by being fed a constant barrage of films without much substance. I mean, when is the last time that you came out of a screening, not only feeling better than good about the world, but really happy about the investment of just 89 Minutes? This was such a film. Although the film is based on a fictional character, a comedian, who also writes novels, we, immediately bond with the protagonist, and find ourselves living in his world, happily. I know men who would give up their right (you pick the body part) to have what this guy has, already, despite being brought up by a father who was a "martinet", at best, and a mother who committed suicide when he was just a boy. You know how you were rewarded at the end of "Love Actually"? When everybody gets what you hoped they deserved? This is such a film! It's a chick-flick for guys, that are in touch with their ying-yang, and know a good woman when they meet one. Admittedly, I've been looking for a woman like our female lead, all my life. That's why I give this film a TEN!
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