A movie Christians will understand more
20 August 2015
Well I went into this movie expecting it to be bad. It wasn't in theaters very long and reviews I read on it were bad but I thought it was very impressive writing. My boyfriend's Christian and has read the bible twice so naturally he understood what the anti-Christ was more than I did but even if you're not exactly sure what the anti-Christ is I feel the movie does it's best to explain it.

I think the reason most were disappointed was because every time one of these types of films comes out audiences expect someone to try and top The Exorcist (which realistically isn't possible, it's a classic). Not to mention people understand the devil is evil and demons are evil but this was something different. There's only one Christ so obviously the anti-Christ is a false prophet. In a sense the anti-Christ is like the devil because the anti-Christ can deceive and trick people into thinking they're good.

But I think the reason most didn't like this film was simply because they didn't understand what an anti-Christ is and couldn't fully appreciate the twist ending. I like that everything wasn't happily ever after and wrapped in a nice bow. I just hope they don't do some bull crap part 2 like The Last Exorcism did. Anyway it's nice to see films trying to think outside the Exorcist box creating films like this and The Lazarus effect even if their execution isn't perfect it's refreshing.

Besides I'd rather see a ton of these type of films than see someone try to remake or "re-imagine" The Exorcist(even though you know that's coming). To sum up this was interesting and kept you wondering exactly what the hell was gonna happen so to me that's a good thing. Check it out.
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