The Walking Dead: Made to Suffer (2012)
Season 3, Episode 8
Fast Paced Mid season Finale!
6 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Story:A new group comes upon the prison, Rick and the gang rescue Glenn and Maggie, Michonne has a gritty encounter with the Governor and Daryl is captured by the people of Woodbury.

This episode was very fast paced with exciting new developments. We see Glenn and Maggie make use of equipment by removing the bones of the dead walker's arm for weapons. The chemistry between these two is brilliant and this will flow well throughout the entire series. Him and Maggie attack Merle and his cronies before they are re- captured. Back at the prison, Carol is concerned when Axel appears to sweet talk Beth and Carl rescues a new group who has entered the prison. Rick, Daryl, Michonne and Oscar infiltrate Woodbury, then rescue Maggie and Glenn from being executed. Upon learning that Merle is at Woodbury, Daryl shows a desire to see his brother, but is quickly shut down by Rick. Rick and the others move out on to the street and exchange fire with the marines. Meanwhile, Andrea (who seems even closer with the Governor) is frustrated at not being allowed to participate in the attack. Rick gets Maggie and Glenn over the barricade to safety, while Oscar is shot and killed. Michonne who has escaped from the others, waits patiently in the Governors room when she hears a noise. She finds the Governors daughter and the Walker heads in glass jars. The Governor suddenly enters and Michonne kills his daughter. The two then engage in one of the series' most brutal one on one fights.Perhaps even better than Shane vs Rick in season Two. After some aggressive punches and glass to the face for Michonne, she ends the fight with a stab to the Governors eye. The creators have headed on a good course with Michonne and all we need now is some back story to make her an even more intriguing character. The episode ends with Daryl being captured and presented in the fighting arena to Merle, much to the shock of a clueless Andrea. All round this episode was very good and the deterioration of Rick has really become interesting. In this episode he envisions one of the marine's as Shane and kills him. After the death of Lori, Rick has become damaged, but this does not make him any less dangerous. Andrea is clearly confused with what side she is on after seeing both Michonne and Daryl. It is good to have two relatively new female characters (Michonne and Maggie) become just as bad ass as Rick, Glenn and Daryl.With Carol only slowly developing and Andrea becoming an interesting, but unlikable character, the show will still thrive through its diversity. There was not many prison sequences in this episode, but that was a good decision because the pace was kept with the attack at Woodbury.
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