Total load of bullpoop. It's a 'Love Israel' promotional vid
29 August 2015
Several men make appearances in this movie saying; "The Bible says this and the Bible says that and all kinds of Bible prophecy were fulfilled in modern times by the nation of Israel.

I know what the Bible says and you can't just pluck Bible verses out of context and use them to support a pet viewpoint. For example, many times when God speaks to Israel by means of the prophets he describes a lot of things that He will do for them if they will just turn back to him and stop worshipping false gods etc. To say that such a verse is a prophecy that was fulfilled in 1948 is really taking a trip off the reservation.

Also the star that appeared to the magi when Jesus was born was not a heavenly sign from God. These magi were astrologers, which was condemned by God in the law to Moses. God wouldn't give them signs. These magi were instructed by Herod to report back to him the location of Jesus because Herod wanted to kill Jesus and Satan was the one who wanted Herod to succeed. The star was from Satan, not God.

Don't let people who don't know the Bible tell you what the Bible says. Many Jews don't even accept much of the Bible as the word of God. The New Testament explains how Jesus death redeemed all mankind and after Peter went to the home of Cornelius, baptism by holy spirit came upon non-Jews and salvation was opened up to all believers. This meant that the Jews stopped being a uniquely "chosen" people of God. Sadly there are many seemingly knowledgeable so-called Bible scholars who promote personal beliefs and hand-pick select verses from the Bible to provide seeming support of these views.
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