Ghost Theater (I) (2015)
Entertaining jump scares that won't really stick with you after finishing the film
15 September 2015
I saw this film at a Portuguese horror film festival (MOTELx) about a week ago. I didn't really know what to expect, since there weren't many reviews online, and we were prepared for the possibility of a bad film. Now, was the film really BAD? Not exactly. It wasn't the worst thing I've ever seen - although some parts weren't creepy enough or the acting wasn't on point. However, if you have seen horror films this is just a film with all the horror stories you've already seen. There isn't anything new, the situations aren't unexpected, the story is repeated, the ending is cliché and pretty much everything about this film has been done before. If you aren't an avid/casual horror film fan, or if you're starting horror films now, it might scare you, since you probably won't be used to the usual plot lines. But for someone like me (a casual viewer) or my friend (an avid horror film fan) it was just a pretty normal film, cliché and, to be honest, after a day or two we kind of forgot everything about it (well, not literally, but you get the point). The only thing that stuck with me for good reasons were the main actress' screams during a few particular scenes, which I thought were pretty on point. But, in general, even her acting was just okay. It's not a film I would recommend - even if it's not the worst thing I've seen.
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