Painful to Watch
26 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
So, this was just a bad film all around. Literally the only redeeming thing about this movie, the lead, she was at least a decent actress. That said, there are a few points I would like to bring up to the film's director that may help in future endeavors: 1) When crafting a film that features a killer played by one of the potentially most scary people in the business, it helps to create an air of mystery around his character. This adds menace and anticipation to the role and makes for a much more suspenseful film. The problems became apparent in the opening scene. The first mistake, showing the antagonist's face in the opening scene, by doing this, you immediately erase any possible buildup of menace. If this character has been murdering women for who knows how long, rather than showing his face, perhaps, while the phone call is progressing, show missing persons flyers of his victims while obscuring his face.

2) Showing his face in the opening, then inexplicably going into first person from his view made no sense. If you're going to have a fully visible and known killer, stick to third person, low angles, all of the high angles of the killer and first person killed the purpose of the film.

3) In the office confrontation scene, why was the main character crawling on hands and knees through glass WHILE calling out the killer's name? If she wanted to confront him, she could have easily just stood up rather than unnecessarily ran her hands over broken glass...

4) Finally, continuity is the key to good film making. Once the power is out and the characters use the stairs to go fix the power box, the elevator working made no sense. I understand that it was the central point of that scene, but even mentioning that it was on backup would have alleviated any issues I had.
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