It looked like a winner
29 September 2015
It was the recent ad campaign for the sequel that brought "Hotel Transylvania" to my attention (much to the delight of my five-year-old), but the movie never really gets above "eh". It has the usual stale kids' movie humor of recent years, complete with de rigeur auto-tuned musical numbers. For this level of spastic comedy, I was hoping for more laughs, and it's a fairly blah selection of voice talent for the cast. Mostly, it's short on laughs and feels long at just 90 minutes. On the bright side, there's an upward-surge when they finally venture outside the hotel walls (finally giving Buscemi some much-needed spotlight).

My kid liked it, so the movie's got that going for it. But for entertainment that offers multi-generational appeal, I'll have to look elsewhere.

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