Cold Feet (1989)
Journey not the destination
9 October 2015
As a reviewer who WAS ACTUALLY THERE in the 70s and 80s, I will confess upfront that I stumbled on this film being aired in 2015 on a speciality "nostalgia" channel -- a channel so obscure that even the people who advertise on it probably don't watch it.

But somehow I was caught up with this film, odd combination of eccentric characters and a wonderful landscape for their "road trip" ... and I was hooked. In fact, I felt positively .... nostalgic.

Tom Waits -- for those of you NOT of that era -- was not what you would call a prolific leading man. In fact, this film is the most face time I have ever seen him get. He mugs and mugs for the camera like he just escaped from a Starbucks, but the real star power in the film belongs to Carradine ("butter wouldn't melt in his mouth") and Kirkland.

Kirkland sort of made a living doing female characters that looked and acted like a mad scientist had run two entirely different women into a machine and only one came out. She may be an acquired taste -- especially for other women -- but you certainly cannot say she is stealing anyone else's act.

The rating is tricky. One of those films that either works for you ... or does not.

And great scenery. Won an award for the cinematography, in fact.

Some early footage of Bill Pullman.

And a great looking horse.
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