Supernatural: Form and Void (2015)
Season 11, Episode 2
15 October 2015
I was really hoping that the intriguing finesse and quality direction wasn't a first-episode- only kind of thing. I'm happy to see that the show has continued to expand its dramatic depth into the second episode! I give props to the creators and directors for giving us two quite impressive episodes in a row. Let's talk improvements.

It seems that the brothers will no longer be sopping over each other with their emotional issues and incompatibilities. It feels fresh to relive an "older days" version of their brotherhood (so far at least), instead of a constant cycle of bickering at each other about who's right.

The execution of some of their storytelling tactics has greatly been improved. It seems they took the time to analyze just how much more improvement there could be and they really capitalized on it. The effect of Sam's hallucinations, the soundtrack-less menacing introduction, the deliverance of our characters storyline, the cinematography, the serious acting, the transitions, etc.

I haven't felt this intrigued since the rise of Lucifer. Very excited for Jensen's directorial debut episode next week!
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