Jack Frost (1997 Video)
So bad it's good? Er, not really...
26 October 2015
JACK FROST is a so-bad-it's-bad straight-to-video comedy horror flick about a killer snowman. You really don't need to know any more about it than that, because this is very much a straightforward Z-grade B-movie with lots of goofy humour and even goofier deaths. You need to be in the mood for some serious cheese in order to be able to sit through this.

I won't bother going into the machinations of the convoluted plotting, only to say that the story involves the spirit of a dead serial killer that ends up inhabiting an inanimate object, similar to the story lines of THE GINGERDEAD MAN or CHILD's PLAY. What JACK FROST amounts to is a bunch of ludicrous gory deaths committed at the hands of a cheesy giant snowman complete with Freddy Krueger-style wisecracks and lots of overacting on the part of the victims.

The production values are rock bottom, but I'm used to that; it's the dumb, lowbrow nature of the script which is so repellent. If they'd at least tried to make this witty and/or engaging then it might have had cult success; as it stands, it's a real chore to sit through. Watch out for a youthful Shannon Elizabeth (AMERICAN PIE) in one of her first screen appearances.
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