Screen One: Pat and Margaret (1994)
Season 6, Episode 3
Victoria Wood's genius at it's very best.
27 October 2015
I absolutely adore this movie. It's Wood and Walters at their very very best. The chemistry, the flow, the timing, it's perfection pure and simple. As famous Hollywood soap actress Pat flies in to the UK from LA to promote her autobiography on a TV show, little does she know that the producers have a surprise for her. Among the studio audience watching the taping of the show is a group of motorway service staff who have hired a coach to enjoy a day out. As Pat waits in the wings for the presenter to introduce her, she is horrified to discover that instead of discussing her book, a family reunion is taking place instead as Pat's long forgotten sister Margaret is announced as being an audience member. With both sisters stunned at the announcement Pat goes into full professional mode and comes out smiling, arms open to hug Margaret. The moment the cameras stop rolling it's another story. She doesn't want to know her, or speak to her and rejects her totally. Fate plays a hand as the sisters are forced to work together to find their dreadful mother Vera who abandoned them as young girls, when a nosy journalist keen for a bit of scandal starts digging into their backgrounds ! The usual players one associates with a Wood production are all here. The fabulous Celia Imrie, Duncan Preston, Ann Reid are wonderful with Thora Hird in particular deserving of praise for her role as the odious mother of Margaret's boyfriend Jim. Heartily recommend to anyone who has yet to see this. A modern up to date remake if done well could be a huge success such is the strength and excellence of the story.
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