Doctor Who: Face the Raven (2015)
Season 9, Episode 10
Why does no one mention the music?
21 November 2015
I created an account specifically for the purpose of reviewing "Face the Raven", the worst episode of the new-Who era (except possibly---no, probably---next week's). I won't bore you with me-too-ing all the criticisms of the other newest-Who haters. I want to point out a couple things I haven't seen mentioned. First off: Peter Capaldi has a horrible voice. I don't care that he's ugly and old, but that spitting, raucous brogue of his grates on my ears like nails on the blackboard. Please let the next Dr who be a real actor with a not unpleasant voice, not someone who looks and sounds like a drunken bum from off the street.

This is a minor criticism. Of course if the writing were decent, I wouldn't care. The newest-who writing team is awful in every way, but particular as regards pacing. The drawn-out death scene of whatshername was so painful I had to down a second bottle of scotch to get through it----and still it went on and ON an ON. But the music---oh god. The MELOdrama of it all, as subtle as a piano dropped on one's head. The worst opera doesn't milk the score as much as the newest-who composers. I do find an analogy with current pop-music styles, where melody is replaced by formless, melismatic mush.

I have been a Doctor Who fan for ages, but I would rather see the show canceled than drop any further. Maybe in another 15 years, BBC can try again.
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