Shock Troop (1934)
Hell on Earth : The Western Front
3 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
"Stosstrupp 1917" 1934

This excellent German film is about a battalion of the new "Storm troops" that were being employed on the Western Front in 1917. These units were trained to use infiltration tactics, instead of the human wave attacks that the armies of the time used. They would closely follow a "creeping" artillery barrage, then rush through the Allied lines bypassing any strong-points. These tactics proved highly successful and were used to great effect during trench raids. They were also the main reason for the early German breakthroughs during the German Spring Attacks of 1918.

This film follows one of these specialist battalions as they are moved from one trouble spot of the front, to another. They start off battling the French before having to deal with various British, Scottish and Canadian units. Attack and counter-attack is the order of the day here.

The non-stop artillery fire is absolutely frightening. All day and all night the shells fall, making everything look like a lunar landscape. The mud, rain, and the masses of unburied dead are all shown here. The only place with any kind of safety for the men is when they are in the deep underground bunkers. And these can become a death trap if there is a direct hit.

This film is a polar opposite to films like "All Quiet on the Western Front." While not a flag waver by any means. It has a rather darker tone with the men knowing that death could come at any moment.

The use of real munitions can be seen in more than a few scenes. I would be amazed if no one was killed, or seriously hurt during the production. It is hands down the most realistic World War One film about trench warfare I have seen.

118 minutes of hell on earth. Well worth seeing if you can find it.
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