LEGO Chima (2013–2014)
A hidden gem
1 December 2015
The first time I ever saw the Chima logo it was on a Toys 'R Us banner and I thought nothing of it. The next time I saw it was after watching many children's shows on Netflix with my son. I didn't want to watch it at first, but as time passed I eventually hot curious about and recently I caved. Admittedly as of writing this review I've only watched up to the 7th episode but hand-on-The-Bible I was blown away by how good it is. Okay, I admit it's not amazing, but the graphics are better than those of Lego Movie and it has a rich backlore and charming characters. And the stories are so drawing that I even forget the characters are Legos. I mean unlike other Lego media they refrain from using their Legoness to rebuild themselves (to my knowledge) and the sets and set pieces seldom-to-never have Lego logos or the brick tops. This keeps the fun, imaginative stories immersive. I will say that some characters are annoying and some lines are cheesy and I can tell when multiple characters are voiced by the same actor but hey, it's a kid's cartoon. Would a kid notice/care? No. I'd go as far as to say that this is the best Lego media I've seen.
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