Tattoo (2013)
Brazilian Seventies tale of gay love and a rather raunchy theatre group
5 December 2015
Set in the late 1970's 'Tatuagem' is a story of Clécio (Irandhir Santos 'Elite Squad') who runs what is described as an anarchist theatre club where they challenge the authority of the military dictatorship by putting on avant garde shows – basically lots of nudity and having fun. Star Paulette is sleeping with Clécio until his brother in law turns up. This is 18 year old soldier Fininho – the two hit it off immediately.

Meanwhile back at the barracks all is not as it seems with Fininho being bullied for not liking the ladies. There are also the side stories of the families and the ordinary ups and downs that add to highlight how much fun the theatre is – this is called The Star Spangled Floor and they describe it as 'the Studio 54 of the Favella'! They also have a very inventive bent for making costumes – scanty – and props – check out the helmet made from a colander.

This is a very vibrant film with some good period detail and a lovely soundtrack with some notable performances too. It is not a mammoth sex fest but it does have some well realised bedroom scenes. It is also a film that will put a smile on your face and considering some of the subject matter here that is quite an achievement. This is one I rented but now intend to buy as its one I know I will get more out of on subsequent viewings.
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