Review of Fallout 4

Fallout 4 (2015 Video Game)
The Community made it Great
10 December 2015
With the addition of Survival mode and the Modder community, this game was pulled out of the fire. There are far too many concepts that do not work with other concepts within this game. Timed quests mixed with not timed quests with no apparent way to tell them apart? Who was the genius who thought that one up? Auto insertion radiant quests? I'll Mark it on your stupidtown.

I choose a character and all choices look like they were beat up with the ugly stick. Why do Gunner guys all look like a young Michael Biehn while I look like some drunk in a dive bar? The Modders made it all better.

When I open my mouth to say something that I think is intelligent and well placed based on what I see in a VERY short description I end up saying something so stupid that I cringe. Modders to the Rescue with a 'Verbose' description.

Bethesda has decided that it likes this 'Modder' idea in that it wants to appropriate it and make money off of it. I find that to be a conflict of interest. Now, instead of creating a poorly thought out game by accident, they could do so by intent...saying "Well you could customize your experience by giving us more money". Trump Howard says it's all about quality control. I've played the unmodified breaks just fine without mods! How many years has it been and there are problems with the original game that still haven't been fixed. 'Quality Control' indeed!
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