Limitless (2015–2016)
Entertainment fast food with limitless techno-illogical candies
19 December 2015
The only "pure" cop show I love is The Killing, 100% non-procedural and non-phony. I only watch "cop-ish" shows like Person of Interest/ Dexter/ Battle Creek for their well-written characters and good technical research. Limitless looks like but is not really a cop show ; more a 50% procedural FBI-lite with bad science and 330% shiny packaging.

Limitless's technological and logical phoniness = limitless. The movie version at least tried to explore more meaningful implication of the overclocked human CPU. This TV version turns the new superman into a smug talkative half-genius half-idiot. The too-clever creators don't realize the audience, no matter how edgy or current gen, has limited tolerance for meta-jokes and constant anti-immersion narrative-disconnect.

Every episode will feature some super-annoying super-lame YouTube-style compositing tricks and mind screen splash breaks. To "relate to the short attention span social network kids", probably. Meh. The net result is audience's perma-emo-detachment from the lead guy and his limitless self-admiration.

Oh, and "his dad cares so you should care" thing doesn't work for me. I still don't care that much about shallow cartoon Mr.Stupid Genius. Not the actor's fault (he's good regardless) but a lead can't be that SELF- INDULGENT when that many lives are at stake. NOT COOL. Definitely not cute nor adorable.

Jennifer Carpenter's female agent is a saving grace and keeps the show logic a tad more consistent and FOCUSED, but her role continues to be fodder-ish, overly in service to our cartoon-depth lead male.

The latest episode took story internal logical limit violation to a whole new level. "The Pill" has many possible constructive/destructive high impact applications and all the idiots could think of? Some seriously lame petty personal stunts with no long-term benefits. More stupid-geniuses. Somehow, the story tenet of "you only take CALCULATED SURE-TO- WIN risks when on The Pill" is only reserved for our chosen one lead guy but not anyone else? Really?

Another "limit" the producer/ editor like to push, is story time jumping. Again, they don't do it by convention, too limiting, they do it their way and cause glaring disconnect issues for the audience.

I do sometimes worry this show may eventually rot from limitless Hollywood egos munching on perma-high from limitless Smarties sugar bombs while looking down at the ADHD masses from on high their toy-filled tower.

Mean time, though, this show has enough redeeming qualities. Nice lighting and costuming, Ms Carpenter, fast pace, cool music, well designed sets, many familiar TV edible as fast food and sugar bombs..

The show could still go up a few truly-brainy gears from this point, or become a mess of candy floss. Recommended for mindless binges.
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