Simply Magical, A Dream Come True.
27 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
WARNING: Spoiler Heavy Review!

Star Wars The Force Awakens is pure magic. When the movie started and opening crawl slides across the screen, I was blown away by the fact that I was seeing a Star Wars movie in the cinema, in IMAX 3D No less! I never got a chance to see the Originals or Prequels in the theater when the originals were re-released or when the prequels came out. I was young then and I still like watching Star Wars every once in a while, but the hype is strong with this movie and I was part of it. 18 years later after I was born, this new gem comes out and blows everyone including me away with good reason.

The Opening Crawl states that Luke Skywalker has vanished into thin air (He is seen at the end for like 1 minute without any dialogue) and The First Order arises, after Poe, a X Wing resistance pilot is captured by Kylo Ren, he is saved by a first order storm-trooper he calls Finn. They get away and Finn begins his adventure into the Star Wars universe where like in the first film, must get a droid to the resistance base and come across the original characters from the original films.

So if you're worried that this film is too much like the 1977 film (I refuse to call it A New Hope because that wasn't the original title) which the plot borrows from as many of the negative reviews have pointed out, do not worry, as this movie is totally not a clone. This movie has many different elements that it can be it's own separate Star Wars film. There are many nods to the originals with Space Chess appearing, The fights resembling lots like Return of the Jedi and we even get a shot of Kylo Ren looking upon the dead body of Darth Vader (How did he get that body anyways?!)

The direction is clear, J.J Abrams take on Star Wars successfully matches the look to the original films. He wants to please the fans very badly and does successfully so. The original actors (not including Mark Hamill as he is seen for one minute) do well. Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher are great, Anthony Daniels as our favorite protocol droid C-3PO could have been fleshed out a bit more as we haven't seen him in a long time. The new actors like Adam Driver, Oscar Issac and Daisy Ridley do fine but John Boyega as Finn overacts a lot which is kind of bothersome. I was very much surprised that BB-8 was actually real. Not a CGI Effect.

The visuals are magical also. The most memorable visual being the destruction of four planets with the first order's planet destroying weapon. The action scenes are well done and for most of the time do not lose steam. When we see the Millennium Falcon for the first time, I laughed and got excited to see it.

Now I want to talk to you about a scene which is very spoiler heavy. So don't read on if you haven't seen it.

Han Solo Dies. Yes. He dies. Many people debated if he would die in this movie from the trailers to everything else and they and I were right. The fact is, It's not that I am shocked because he is one of the original characters and is so popular. It's because he is killed out of nowhere and it's from his own son! Which we will get to in a second, but seriously. I loved this scene. It really impacted the audience and it made me become a mixed bag on if I should really cry or not.

Kylo Ren is a great villain as portrayed by Adam Driver. He is the son of Han and Leia who was taught by Luke, but what made me like him so much is the fact that he is Darth Vader times ten. When he gets furious, it's one of the best things the movie has to offer. He even takes off his mask which made me shocked! I thought we would have to wait for more movies until we got to see him unveiled but Abrams does the unmasking so well!

Star Wars The Force Awakens is so well done that it should be an honorable mention in my Top 10 list and very well so. The movie offers excitement, drama, comedy, homage, and many other things that will have you all get riled up over. It's great and I cannot wait until 2016 for Rogue One: A Star Wars story.

90/100 A-
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