not what it says on the tin...
31 December 2015
I first watched this several years ago and I couldn't help laughing cause I have to be honest and say that it cannot be taken seriously of course and would have been better if it had been written as a "comic book comedy" because I think it is impossible to sit and watch the entire movie without laughing and cringing...it really is that bad. the first thing is it called "The Trial of the Incredible Hulk" and yet the "trial" plays a minor part in the movie and the main focus is upon Wilson Fisk and Matt "daredevil" Murdoch while David 'the hulk' Bellson is barely noticeable and frankly looks tired and depressed in my opinion. in fact its possible that during the time the movie was made Bill bixby's prostrate cancer was starting to spread which would explain why he looked Tired...in fact its sad that his career and life would end four years after this awful movie was made. I say that if you want to laugh and cringe for 1 hour 40 minutes...watch this cause it cannot be taken seriously. in fact it is possible to sense Linda Darlow who plays the fake nurse cringing as she fights Matt "daredevil" Murdoch in the hospital. its so predictable cause its obvious that she would lose and then the great build up to the "fight scene" between Daredevil and Fisk's henchmen which is likewise poorly arranged. in fact there is is no fighting except the predictable punch here and there which ends with Fisk flying away in a spaceship with his disloyal sidekick who helps Daredevil free Ellie Mendez. and the movie ends with David Bellson hitch hiking to pastures new. what lets this movie down is the direction...you don't call a film "the trial of the incredible hulk" when the actual trial plays a small part in the actual plot.
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