When nuclear weapons are outlawed . . .
28 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
. . . only outlaws will have nukes, Warner Bros. argues with its animated short, BUNKER HILL BUNNY. Bugs Bunny turns his giant cannon here into an "Iron Dome" defense shield, catching all of Yosemite Sam's cannonballs and lobbing them back into the muzzle from which they issued. Sam is playing the part of a Hessian terrorist here, but he could just as easily be North Korean, Persian, or Kentuckian in this timeless tale. Warner's bottom line is that Bugs must fight fire with fire, so why shouldn't America have a National Nuke Association (NNA) for anyone who can afford the dues? After all, nukes don't kill people--people do. If you're a corporate CEO making 10,000 times the median annual American wage, WHY should you need to pay 100 employees to guard your stuff with assault rifles? What if your security staff is attacked by 200 shotgun-wielding socialists bent upon income redistribution? BUNKER HILL BUNNY contends that if you can afford to defend your stuff with private nukes, who is the government to tell you "No!"? Bugs and Sam have their own private cannons here. You and I and Bill Gates should not be denied our nukes!
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