Beyond tedious and trite
20 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Horrible abortion of a film. Pee Wee Herman is pudgy faced, old, and his voice sounds completely different.

This is a far cry from Tim Burtons Pee Wees Big Adventure movie, which was fantastic and still one of my favourite movies of all time just for its weirdness and quirkiness.

Pee Wee lives in some boring town working at a diner and then some biker guy comes in for a milkshake (no idea what the deal was with Pee Wee making the milkshake in such a stupid manner) inviting him to his birthday in New York, and tells Pee Wee to 'live a little'. From then on its a stupid pathetic comedic attempt of Pee Wee travelling to NY City getting involved in really lame capers.

It just isn't funny, at ALL. It is cringe-worthy beyond words. The writing is absolutely lame, and I think only 6-12 year olds would be entertained by this utter crap.

I completely gave up forcing myself to watch anymore at the scene where he slowly, and painstakingly lets down a big balloon, making noises with it. Who wrote this $hit? Who thought this was funny in any sense?

I also did not get what was supposed to be funny about the bus he gets on with the black dudes with weird big hair. Awful $hite from the writers of this turd.

Paul Reubens must have been desperate for a pay-cheque. No idea why he waited decades either to make another Pee Wee film, it just doesn't work in any shape or form. Big Top Pee Wee was lame as well but much better than this steaming pile of horse $hit.

Paul should have at least got off his a$$ and lost the right amount of weight to reprise the Pee Wee Herman role. Its embarrassing seeing him as this old flabby faced older man.

Avoid this huge dud at all costs, because its like watching paint dry.
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