Daredevil: Dogs to a Gunfight (2016)
Season 2, Episode 2
21 March 2016
Well, there's nothing like a good old fashioned cliffhanger to end an episode. If only I was able to watch the next episode immediately. A poor attempt at a joke, sure, but you have to love Netflix's style of TV. I love being able to watch the very next episode of this show with the click of a button. I've had my doubts about season 2, but it doesn't seem like it's going to let me down any time soon. Not only did we get yet another fight with the Punisher, but this episode put a few things that were unclear, into perspective. Another good episode for the Devil from Hell's Kitchen.

We began the episode with Foggy finding bloody Matt on top of the rooftop where Punisher left him. A bullet to the head didn't stop Daredevil from getting back up the very next opportunity, even if he is having some serious trouble with his hearing. It was nice to see Melvin Potter make an appearance in helping Matt with the suit and a good reminder as to the promise Matt made Melvin about protecting his family, something he's struggling with in general right about now.

But Foggy and Karen aren't doing a whole lot better. They got shut down by Reyes and her crew and their plan of getting Grotto into witness protection isn't fairing to well either. But I was happy to see Foggy attempt to step up his game against Reyes anyway. Karen's increasing curiosity surrounding Matt's whereabouts once again begs the question as to when she will find out about Daredevil. Matt's excuses are definitely getting pretty weak. It's a story line that has been done over and over again in the comics and in TV & film, so I just hope she responds in a realistic way and not a way that will just delay the inevitable.

The Punisher had another big episode as we got Jon Bernthal in full Punisher glory as he took out more of the Dogs of Hell and a store clerk who took his comments about young women a little too far with Castle. It's yet to be seen how close to his story in the comics they will stick to, but I think that moment alone says a lot about who Frank Castle is and his history. Overall, it wasn't a hugely eventful episode until the end, but it's hard to deny how well made this show is. Hopefully the episodes continue to be this good.

+Another Punisher/Daredevil fight

+Foggy stepped up


+Punisher takes out the clerk

-Slow building

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