He Never Died (2015)
A unique, somewhat thought-provoking action film
26 March 2016
This film is about a man who is basically immortal and who has lived for thousands of years. There a number of other films/TV shows that have used this plot devise including Star Trek and somewhat more relevant to this film, The Man From Earth (TMFE).

Whereas TMFE was much more intellectual and performed more like a play, this film puts the protagonist in an urban setting in order to facilitate it's action-film tropes. TMFE compels the audience to contemplate the ramifications of human immortality; He Never Died doesn't engage in that exercise, choosing instead to focus almost solely on violent action sequences.

He Never Died straddles a fine line between an art-film and an action movie, and for the most part succeeds. There are specific scenes directly inspired by The Terminator; it is clear that the director was aiming for a more visceral film with some heady elements as opposed to a heady film with some token conflict. Most of the credit goes to leads, including Rollins who (as normal) gives a physical performance and is not required to emote. Kate Greenhouse (Cara) is the emotional center of the film and does a great job portraying an empathetic character.

The film has a smart script and is competently directed. It's a really good "nerd" film in that it is smart enough to make you think but with enough violence and action to make it appealing to viewers who respond to super-hero films.
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