Review of Cassidy Way

Cassidy Way (2016)
What afjmf from Wichita said; fracking is already awful in itself
29 March 2016
Someone actually put together a thriller-gore about hydraulic fracturing, aka 'fracking'. As an obvious B-movie/film school project with some sort of budget, it apparently tries to be something worthwhile or even original, like a cult first or something. The base premise does make sense: fracking is dangerous and destructive and comes with an array of negative environmental impacts, like water pollution, random earthquakes and abuse of land, but having people go Dahmer because they drink their shitty tap water is ridiculous. Had they cast the great Gary Busey as the patriarch, it WOULD have become an immediate B cult. The family nymphet is yummy, while the girl who "has trouble getting close to people" by sleeping with both a guy and his friend is to Acting what Trump is to Subtlety.
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