It Was Better Than What Critics Are Making Of
2 April 2016
I was originally going to title this review as I quote the same way that Batman said to Superman "Tell me, Critics, do you bleed? You will?" Instead, I went with the one that you are reading. So far on Rotten Tomatoes, the audience score is at seventy-one percent, and critics are at twenty-nine percent. I understand that everyone has an opinion, and we should all respect that. However, at the same time, critics can go too far with it. I did go see this last week on Saturday, and I thought it was better than what critics are making of. I won't spoil it for you, because you have to see this movie. The premise of the movie picks up after the events of "Man of Steel," where Bruce Wayne witnesses the destruction of Metropolis as he notices Superman fighting General Zod and this makes him want to take him down for he had done. Superman receives a lot of mixed words of mouth by the world, and our two beloved superheros start to have a showdown. Heck, when everyone saw "Man of Steel" they complain about Superman fighting Zod in Metropolis, and couldn't take the fight to anywhere else. So the movie really does address the issues that everyone had as you seen the trailers or read articles about the movie on the internet. By getting to the point, here are the positives that I had with this movie. I thought the story is what it is by having a conflict between Batman and Superman so no need to go into detail about it, and certainly don't want to spoil the movie as what I said previously. The action in this movie is pretty darn good, as the fight between Batman and Superman really does make it worth awhile. The music by Hans Zimmer and Junkie XL is really good, while introducing the Batman and Superman theme were all good. The cinematography is beautifully well-filmed, and it is visually stunning. Zack Snyder does a heck of a job to bring this movie to life on the big screen, and making this more of a comic book movie. The movie does feature some nod to Frank Miller's graphic novel "The Dark Knight Returns," which I thought that was neat. I do like the costumes for Wonder Woman and Batman, which I thought they were great. Even Superman's. For the cast, Henry Cavill is still, and will always be giving such a great performance as Superman, as well as Amy Adams for playing Lois Lane. Jeremy Irons does a great job as Alfred, which I don't have too much to say about but still he was great. Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor had always got everyone concern about him whether he is good or bad for the role. To me, yes, he is over the top, but at the same time he can also be menacing. So, I say that Eisenberg made a good Lex Luthor. Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman is in the movie in a brief role, but I thought she really knocks it out of the park. She really succeeds the role perfectly, and I think fans who read Wonder Woman comic books are going to pleased. Now for Ben Affleck, which had everyone the same way they feel about Michael Keaton as Batman, and thinking he can make this role the weakest link of the movie. Thankfully, he wasn't and he really puts the negative comments to rest. I thought he does an amazing job for his take on Bruce Wayne and Batman, and his Batman is so brutal because his fighting style is like one of those "Batman: Arkham Asylum" video games. If you like those games, then you will love how he fights in this movie. He is now one of my favorites along side with Michael Keaton, Kevin Conroy and Christian Bale as Batman. The movie is very well paced, and never I find it too long. Now, is it better than or on par with "Man of Steel?" No. The movie does have some flaws like characterization, which the movie has some but could've used a bit more. Also, I notice parts that may have been edited out because Snyder said that he is going to release his R rated director's cut for the movie. I hope that version is better than what the PG-13 had to offer. So, that is all I can say about this movie. By the way, do yourself one big favor. Don't let those negative reviews get in your way, just go see it with an open mind and then you can judge it on what you have seen. With "Suicide Squad" on the way, I am sure critics are going to enjoy that film because the movie will have some fun moments. To me, I don't have problem with this movie being dark, and I don't think this universe needs to be like what the Marvel Cinematic Universe did. The DC Extended Universe can be what they want to be, and so will Marvel as they be their own. I really had a fun time with "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice," and now it all leads up to the "Justice League" movie in two parts. I give this movie a 9 out of 10.
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