It's not SUPPOSE TO show 2 sides; As Israel is a democratic society-it should FUNCTION DEMOCRATICALLY...
2 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
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Norman Finkelstein may indeed be a 'self-made pariah' of his time but this is not in vain and his resonance will likely have a positive enduring influence well beyond his time. Why isn't this obvious to everyone?

People can't really find Finkelstein wrong, they just don't want him to speak. Norman here offers informed, truthful discussion and so many people rail against his desire for his clear, open dialogue. It's as though we're so mired in our hypocrisy just speaking the truth is banned. This is a terrible life situation made clear several times in the content of this well-made documentary. This man is tirelessly and unrelentingly committed to logical clarity and humaneness concerning the Israel-Palestinian conflict. Why is that even 'radical' and not common sense?

This film about Professor Finkelstein's 'radical' activism has value. Watching and hearing people trying to bring him down It is difficult not to feel extreme disappointment in our fellow man's principles and character, yet despite this I want to dig deep and find more determination for what hope humanity may have left. So there's a notably positive net result to the Professor's cause. I felt a similar mixture of despair and defiance - even faith? - once while visiting the concentration camp memorial in Dachau, Germany. 'We're terrible at our worst, yet we're all One, and must somehow continue as one' was my galvanizing thought about humanity as I wandered, dazed in that horrifying place.

Norman Finkelstein has a particular gift - he immediately inspires many people to think and speak, humanely. That's far from a futile waste of anyone's time, and well worth the trouble it gets him.
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