Repetition and shallow...
4 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
OK I'll have to say first I enjoyed the movie but only because it was a big expensive production.

But the whole story is a repetition and a boring one. So shallow I felt nothing...

OK nobody expects deep drama from Star Wars but I could not bear some scenes too much excitement or anger for no reason at all!

Ohhh we beat them YEAH! Oh the rebel scums make me angry ARGHH I break everything! Like they were trying to make some scenes important only they were really awkward!

And most of all a continuous repetition, the whole story is a based on the last 3 Star Wars episodes and there are many scenes that refer to those episodes.

In short it was a movie with the actors of Star Wars, the spaceships and everything... even a very familiar story only it was not Star Wars. No soul nothing... pooof...
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