May be far too intense for sensitive viewers
7 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
****SPOILERS**** Given shelter at the carnival young homeless and a bit nutty young Hugo, Brendon De Wilde, falls madly in love with the woman who gets cut in two Irene, Diana Dors, by her partner the "Magnificent Sanini", David J. Stewart, and tries to impress her by doing, cutting her in half, the same to her with Irene coming out of it in one piece. The not too bright Hugo has no idea that it's all a trick on both Irene & Sanini's part and feels that it's Sanini's magic wane or baton that does the trick.

Irene who's been having an affair with acrobat George known as "The Flying Cannonball" on the side talks the weak minded Hugo to do her partner Sanini in by stabbing him in the back and garbing his "Magic Baton" that has him preform his magic tricks like sawing Irene in two and putting her back together again without any damage on her part.

***SPOILERS*** With Hugo now confident that he'll impress Irene with his magical powers he gets a drunk and asleep Irene to be cut in half by him without her knowing about it. It's just when Irene wakes up that she realizes that her new found lover Hugo is a certified nut case and is about to murder her! Feeling that he's on the right track Hugo gleefully runs the power-saw right through Irene's body thinking that she'll be all right when its, the act, all over!

P.S This "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" episode was kept from public viewing for over 20 years in that it was considered to be too gruesome to be shown and may cause people to pass out, from fright, watching it. Seeing it now shows just how overrated it was compared to all the other gruesome TV series, like the "Keeping Up with the Kardashians"" and "American Idol" as well as "Dancing with the Stars", that have been shown on the TV networks since then.
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